What an awesome couple to spend my Sunday photographing! Travis and Nicole have been so awesome to work with over the last year and being a part of their wedding was sincerely an honor.
I had talked to Nicole about doing the "first look" and she seemed pretty stoked about it. For those who are wondering what a "first look" is, let me explain.
Traditionally, the bride and groom do not see one another before the ceremony. In Medieval times, the reason was absolutely clear----the groom more times than not, had not even met his bride prior to the arranged marriage. The parents of the bride didn't want the groom jumping ship if he did not find his bride attractive (taking with him expensive doweries.) So, the tradition of not seeing the bride before the cermeony has crossed hundreds of years to what it is today---where it doesn't apply.
A lot of brides (and grooms) think that that moment that the bride steps down the isle is the one magical moment that is sacred---the grooms first look of the bride---her biggest kept secret (how she will look in her gown)....but, I am sure couples who have done t he first look will argue to the contrary.
For Travis and Nicole, they wanted a few breaks from tradition. And honestly, they were both so nervous, I am afraid that if they didn't do the first look, one of them may have passed out at the altar! (Love you guys!). My assistants and I plotted out a spot at the Mill where we could get gorgeous photos of her approaching Travis from behind and also photograph all the anxious faces Travis would make as he could hear his brides foot falls on the ground.
During this walk, I grabbed Nicoles hand and we walked a little ways down the path before she began the walk alone to reveal herself to Travis. I could feel all of her nerves and looked in her eyes and knew that this moment was the one moment in the entire day that they would remember the absolute most. I squeezed her hand and she glanced at me and I lost all my professionalism and cried right there on the spot and had to take a step back! I was so overwhelmed because I knew exactly how she was feeling in that moment---and to Nicole---I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of that moment!
I let go of Nicole and she walked to meet Travis, tapping him on the shoulder when she got close----and as he turned around the look on his face was beyond priceless---watching the two of them share the most amazing moment in their lives filled me with so much happiness and joy.
Not only did the first look allow the couple to have a few special moments that can't be replaced, replicated, or acheived at the altar, my team and I were able to photograph this in a way that would not be possible during a ceremony. Capturing REAL moments, real interactions, and the genuine love that the two of them have together in those moments free of family, guests, nerves etc.
After we finished photographing the immediate emotional responses, my assistant and I left Travis and Nicole alone for about 20 minutes----time they would not have gotten at any other part of the day---time to share each others emotions, excitement, and joy before they are bombarded with guests, the reception and being wisked off to their honeymoon. I can promise you, that both Travis and Nicole 100% believed that seeing each other before the walk down the isle was far more emotional and rewarding than the actual walk.
After the 20 minutes, we were able to take the bridal party off and photograph them all before the cermeony. Eliminating a TON of time being taken up post ceremony for formals. This worked out extremely well and the shots we got of Travis and Nicole reflect a sense of relaxation, with no feelings of being rushed.