Every time I shoot this couple, it rains. But then, everything is all sunshine and rainbows...literally!
So, as usual, I got to really connect with this couple on a personal friendship level...I don't know what it is about my clients this year, but I keep drawing fabulous people to me and that makes my job so much more fun!
Catherine and I got to work together for several weeks where we basically spent about 30 hours together...so, needless to say, I feel like I am part of their family. It's amazing how much she and I have in common---and then again how much Josh and I have in common as well.
At their engagement shoot, it was pouring down rain...I made my first "boo boo" by not dumping my only CF card with me to the shoot...and we had only done about 1/4 of their photos...I made some calls, no one could bring me a card...so I made the decision to brave the rain and dump all of the images we had already shot. It's a good thing I did, beccause the downpour that occurred left us with 3 separate shoots: Rain, Storm, RAINBOW, and sunny skies! How amazing right?
Well, on the wedding day....to no surprise, it poured. The ceremony had to be altered (at Wilton House) and when I say it rained, it was even raining inside the tent. However, it made for a really UNIQUE ceremony where the guest got to be especially close to the couple...and Lauren and I got to be super engaged in all the moments.
One of the super unique things about Catherine is that she LOVES period dance...now, most of you know, it's super hard for me to put down the camera...I think sometimes I practically live with it glued to my eyeballs...but, during the reception, I desperately wanted to put the camera down and just watch the dances...
Oh..and they had fried green tomatoes!
Anyway, here are a few shots from the day!