I met Meghan at one of my favorite weddings this year, Jen and Phuong. Jen and Phuong are an amazing couple and it just so happens that Meghan takes after her amazing sister and is also amazing. I just used amazing 3 times in one sentence...
Meghan is around 7 months pregnant which really is the best time to do a maternity session in my opinion. Her husband is stationed overseas in the military and he has yet to see her baby bump so this little session is going to be a big surprise for him! I hope that he feels the glow and happiness coming from Meghan the way I did today. It was fantastic to spend the early days of spring with awesome women such as Jen and Meghan (and mom too!).
I could not have wished for a more perfect afternoon...and it just so happened that 3 things were present in these photos that are my favoritestsesttess....(that is a word, I promise!)....blue flowers, fields of flowers, and a BIRD! Ironically, Jen is also a vet....and we were yelled at by I believe to be a quail protecting his nest. He was not to happy with me, but I am sure that everyone present will attest that he calmed right down for his own photoshoot.