When I look back at their wedding (only a few short days ago!) the only word that comes to mind is gentle. I have seen a lot of couples, a lot of different types of love, but this is the first time I can use the word gentle in a category for being in love. Usually, it's fierce, powerful, and crazy mad love...but Jason and Elayna have their own kind of passion---it's certainly strong, but it's thoughtful and elegant. I think that because of this, I am reminded of so many other relationships I have had through out my life.
Elayna reminded me so much of my best friend in high school and through my adult years. She hasn't gotten married yet, but whenever I envisioned her wedding and the man she would find to love her completely, it would be just like Elayna's wedding---and Elayna's soulmate. Everything from the soft colors they chose, the beautiful lighting in the reception, the candle lit ceremony, to the backdrop of the Westin Hotel in Richmond, was just like their relationship: gentle and romantic.
There are way to many photos to share but hopefully in these few very select images you can understand exactly what I felt at this wedding. I have to tell you, I did cry---a few times, but mostly during the best man's speech to his brother. Everything in me wanted to switch my camera over to video mode and record the words that Jason's brother said to him and Elayna. I hope that Jason will one day tell me this story again so that I can write it down for all of you to read. I can tell you one thing---this entire family is full of LOVE. Not only are they blessed with a rich and caring family but also blessed with incredibly good looks:))
Coordinator: Tabitha Roberts: http://www.robertseventplanning.com
Flowers: Mona Ray http://www.flowersbymonaray.com/